Drinks - juice, milk, coffee
Fruits - blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes
Eggs - white of egg + egg yolk
Pancakes (with butter and syrup, or honey)
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Culture Shock:
Have you ever heard of Full English Breakfast?
What's a typical breakfast like in your country?
*Breakfast around the world*
Here're some testimonies from people around the world talking about breakfast in their countries.
"Most Hong Kong people would go out to yum cha (which means 'drink tea') in the dim sum restaurant in the morning, it has all varieties of Cantonese dishes, like steamed dumplings, deep fried/baked snacks, fried noodles, congee, etc. It is a habit that HK people go to yum cha in the mornings, as it is cheap and convenient." -Ada. March 2010
In Eastern European countries with cold climates such as Russia breakfasts tend to be substantial. Some Russians do choose coffee for breakfast but traditionally hot strong tea is popular. A variety of breads with black rye bread being the most common, blini, sausages or cured meats, eggs and cucumber pickles are typical breakfast items. The cereal Kasha is commonly eaten by children. It is not a specific type of grain and is often served with tvorog (a soft curd cheese similar to Ricotta) or sour cream with sugar.
"I just came back from spending three weeks in Greece. The breakfast food I missed the most is something I found throughout the streets in Thessaloniki called Bougatsa. Bougatsa is a delicious (but probably very fattening) pastry filled with creme in the middle. It is served hot with cinammon and sugar on top. It is yummy." -Renee. July 2008
"In West Africa the cook used to make us millet porridge for breakfast." -Grete January 2011.
A full breakfast is a meal that consists of several courses, traditionally a starter (fruit juice, prunes, grapefruit), cereal, a main course, tea with milk,toast and (in England) marmalade. Many variations are possible.
I usually have black coffee in the morning (which I like bitter, without the tiniest bit of sugar, but don't take that as a whole - that's just my taste!). I like to have cheese for protein, and my favorite one for breakfast is Queijo Minas, a typical cheese from Brazilian state Minas Gerais. Most people go to the nearest Bakery in the morning to buy what we call "French bread" or "savory bread"(name varies from place to place). It has to be consumed fresh, so we usually try to catch them when the baker has just got them out of the oven! They usually go with butter or requeijão, which is an incomparably delicious creamy cheese.
mmmmm... So many yummy things made me hungry! It's a shame it's not time for breakfast - I'll have lunch instead, maybe some pastry for dessert ;D********
The quotes were taken from www.breakfastandbrunch.com, where you can also find amazing multicultural recipes!
Take care, and eat well ;-)
Breakfast in Argentina
ReplyDeleteBueno, te cuento un típico desayuno gaucho: una jarrita de café puro o cortado (con leche), zumo o jugo de naranja, tostadas de miga con mantequilla o pan con mermelada o dulce de leche. Té de anis, manzanilla, o mate cocido, y tal vez media luna de manteca o de grasa. Así, buen provecho!