Thursday, July 21, 2011

YILTS X - day 2

André Lemos on life goods in São Paulo

David Crabbe thinking of his experience in Brazil 

The seminar's mascot

 Oxford's display 
(and display only - if you want to buy anything, look for a sales representative)

 Our beloved host and our beloved mascot

The coffee break

Wednesday, July 20, 2011



...and then 600 teachers from all parts of Brazil come to the third biggest city in the world for a three-day Seminar on language teaching. Sharing, caring, inspiring. It's so nice to see so many teachers thinking and rethinking our knowledge and practices! Topics presented varied from the use of music and arts in classes to the ideas of authors as Vygotsky, Gardner, Morran, Lévy, etc. 
Here are some pictures of our first day of seminar.

This is me presenting the paper 
"Fun Theory: Pleasure-based learning in a Social Interactionist Approach"

Plenary Session

David Crabbe on Learning Opportunities in task-based classes.

Professor David Crabbe

This was the first day only. Check back for more of what's going on at YILTS X!

I really appreciated the presence of those who watched my paper. Thank you for all comments and compliments! Hope it was somewhat helpful and mostly inspiring! I'll be soon uploading the material for those who'd like to read it.

So long!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

End of term

Another term's coming to an end and next one is just round the corner (there goes another idiomatic expression for you!)

When something is AROUND (or ROUND - British English) THE CORNER, it is about to happen, it will happen very soon.
Example: You'd better hurry up with that project. Deadline is just around the corner.
                   Rolling Stones reveal: new album round the corner.

Grading students is a hard task, and if you're a teacher, you know what I mean by this comic... 
Now, if you're a student, here are some requests from all teachers in the world: 
remember your test will be read by someone; when you use that desperately tiny handwriting or  lead that seems to be trying to go unnoticed you're only giving us a hard time understanding what was it that you didn't understand from our classes. 
Trust me - it won't go unnoticed... chances are you'll get a tiny question mark (if yours is one of the first tests on the pile, otherwise it'll be huge as to make up for your disuse of space) and less points than if you had made us understand what you meant.

I'll leave other tips on making exams for later. Gotta go back to my pile now ;-)

*Link gently shared by the dearest friend and co-worker Livia. Thanks, sweetie ;D

Sunday, July 10, 2011

No, you don't need to tell me... You don't need a flawless life plan right away. 
Just think of something meaningful (no matter if it's a goofy meaning, who cares it it's nonsense) and make it happen, NOW!
Pic from the cutest blog Creature Comforts

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The History of English

The History of English in 10 animated minutes (a selection of the best minutes!)